March was quite a busy month: First
artistically coordinated the project for the Gazeta Wyborcza Katowice. Later, I led his first lecture at the Catholic University of Lublin, which was provided in form very entertaining, yet at the stage of preparation made me a lot of stress. Was certainly the experience in a very positive, so happy to once more experience in a similar role. Good luck in March closed the world premiere of a new game, "Owls Nest "for Pastelgames.
April began to be equally busy. Together with Dominik Szczesniak zaliczyliśmy debut," The Adventures of Leszek "on the first page of the Gazeta Wyborcza Lublin. Under the banner of Ziniola also engaged in a comic book TekturaFest support, which will be held next week. SLAM co-organize and invited to Lublin Catherine Szaulińską . Also next Saturday (April 16 at exactly 16 o'clock, when Kate Tektura will talk to Dr. Thomas Kitliński) will host in Katowice in the art circle, where the answer to the question "who killed the Polish comic book." Purely
the cartoon, along with Bartek Sztyborem in the new issue came up with the next episode Collective Najwydestyluchniejszego. Pinupami also supported his two albums debut hardkowerowy Sienicki Robert and Luke Okólskiego (Scientia Occulta) and "Stone of Destiny" Tom Kleszcz.
Meanwhile, the mystery continues work on new shares, whose fruits are likely to appear in May.
happens! Only time for drawing albums is getting low. So it's time for the return of shares in respect of both automotywacyjnej the project as well Degrengolandu E. Degrengoland embrace, slowly creating new playgrounds. Adds so ambitious plan called "one page per day stroyboardu" I start from ... tomorrow. Because today I am a bit overwhelmed with all these plans. And here yet overhaul on his head!

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