, guided by a sudden impulse, amputated a tool for making it a comic celebrity. He hid on Twitter and the wall 500 friends on facebook (not counting those who drink Pepsikole).
Michael Śledziński Bob Dylan is a Polish comic. There's over a lot of exaggeration. Comparing the work of both artists and the importance of many analogies can be drawn: The main - The relationship of the "Underground." Herring started in two ways. He built his popularity both in the high volume of stripy computer magazines as well as giving the legendary zin "Asbestos." By the way, is a pamphlet in terms of issue presented themselves professionally and have little in common with standard xeroprasą understood. Likewise, herring, never was a champion of DIY Or Die which is not prevented an in-store to many fans 'product' (already fully professional successor "Asbestos") were firmly convinced that the dealings with ZINEM (sic). Another analogy
"jump" automatically: This product is equivalent to Dylanowskiego "Blonde On Blonde." Zbik Reloaded, is the controversial "Nashville Skyline." Another is "Swiftly Drawn" - "Blood on the Tracks" of course. And "Family values" is a trilogy begun Jezuskowa album "Slow Train Coming."
At the beginning of the XXI century herring held the government of souls. Literally - by the balls. Later, wielkopańskim gesture gave all his Fanbase Minkiewiczom which had previously nursed her to bleed. Never mind, soon came perhaps it is time to hype the biggest in the history of Polish comic book - the announcement of new adventures Zbik. After one notebook with all the fun shit (mostly by the famous "fuck - I do not do") and herring cities surrender to commercialism, it became the artistic success of the first volume of "NSS". In the category of "having or being a" movement can be interpreted depending on the point of view, equivalent to the state ownership. As a result, at the end of the decade lead in the battle for the souls mentioned Dem took over and his "Big Dog Suddenly quantities (almost 8tysięcy fans on FB - not to mention anything about Pepsikoli!). Meeting fansites Herring is a memorable and productive fraction of the hysteria that erupted after the publication of "Our Lady Extra Strong." With that, let's remember - not chasing herring - he's just doing his.
As rightly quoted the KZ in article on "New Wave " Godai-all current comic "New Waves" to "post production". Polish comic book can be divided into "before" Product "and" the Product ". I will say more: the "Osiedle Freedom" and "after." And even more: before and after "The strength of Extra Virgin." Only the herring entered the comics (or "jumped over the fence") to the comic classic. By the way, as a cartoonist poisoned the minds of an entire generation komiksiarzy who has since formed the basis of inspiration (or even a copy), or counterattacks.
Earlier this year, KG effort appeared summary edition of the product previously known episodes of the iconic estates. Beautifully published book, awaited by fans, has proved an instant hit and sold on the trunk. Is expected to reprint.
My feeling when I read it: nostalgia and admiration. After reading the mostly feeling of regret that these 300 pages is not enough. There is admittedly estate booklets, which began as a failed (?) Attempt to discount the success of the Product. However, when the herring could strike whilst the iron is hot, he decided to do another comic fikołki. You can compare his work with the other equally influential illustrator: Tom Leśniaki. One gets the impression that it herring rozmieniał to fine and struggled in the creative ADHD. Hypothetically, if the model Lesniak (which draws Jez George's adventures since high school) focused on one series has long wyprowadziłby cartoon from the ghetto. Oh, gdybanie, but there is no doubt that it herring, unlike that of Tom Lesniak, with a similar level of "contagion of his style," he had with his readers a model even contact.
had - but totaled blog.

Herring as a zombie-celebrity .
second Hospitable illustration in integralu OS.
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