Let's leave aside for the moment considering whether a book written quite seriously and the question here is, for whom it was written. Let's look at the concept. The author collects material for a movie about George Kosinski. What we know about Dżerzim, so it is highly fragmented. Does not mean that the intention to create a biography, because it is not a book Glowacki any biography. I think "Good night, Dżerzi" came mainly from a genuine interest in creative, out of jealousy (after all, the author gives us to consider the pictorial metaphor, writing "( ...) Now I'm sitting in an old shack, with a chain around his neck and growling. A Dżerzi actually broke off the leash "), with fascination and helplessness. Because much you wish to write about Jerzy Kosinski, but really only write about what he wanted written. Glowacki and wants to delve into his life for another, unique way. And the difference is clear, because this is not a linear spread the story, just a collection of texts of different character and provenance, which, like a collage made up of images disturbing and ambiguous. And so throughout his life was Jerzy Kosinski. I can see that it's very impressive to him who writes about him.
"Good night, Dżerzi" is a perfectly tailored image of America, which is able to hug each and you can quite easily go the way from rags to riches, if you have a little bit of luck and can handle it. One interviewee Glowacki says about America as follows: "We like in a mental hospital, you choose yourself, who you want to be and you are" . He used it years ago Kosinski, the author uses it as a book about him and forced to constantly think about the role of artistic creation. But it really does not seem to Glowacki write about Kosinski something we would did not know. Personality problems, ambiguous relationship with his mother, the controversy surrounding the issue of books written in English, perhaps with the help of U.S. Editors, obsessive desire to be independent and dramatic relationships with women (with men Kosinski did not want and do not try to create them), escape in sex, alcohol, drugs. Intensive live on the edge and constant feeling that not enough of it all, "he says. "Good night, Dżerzi" But this book, which forces once again to think about what caused the small Jewish boy being bullied by the environment, it still really remains, although the proudly marching through New York avenues, it happens everywhere should see it, it provokes, attacks, and shows its strength. Glowacki spins in his book is not interesting enough to consider what controversial. Even comparing the fate of Oedipus to the fatalism of Polish life of the author, who became famous for macabre vision of "The Painted Bird" and "Steps". It seems to be very close to the problems Dżerziego, on the other hand subtly moves away from them. He talks about the creation of himself, and creates - not only figure-legend but myself as the writer of this legend.
are very important relationships with women and Kosinski this relationship Glowacki devotes a large part of the book. It is not only tragic form of Russian émigré Masha, around which much of the focus of events. It also remains in the shadows, but still important for him by his mother and wife, whose theatrical presence behind the curtain only sheds new light on understanding the substance of the compound through Kosinski. Women in his life was very much, but they all experienced on his part of the same disappointment and humiliation. Glowacki is trying to give them a strong theatrical expression and leaves him quite well.
at all, "Good night, Dżerzi" is a bad publication. Puzzling. Ambiguous. Fascinating. story about how fate turns into a case and the case zamienianym in fate. intelligence and ingenuity in Janusz Głowacki so that, regardless of whether he writes about Kosinski, or about himself, this book should know and think about whether or not the tragedy goes on in my life (for example, on the New York street) too often hand in hand with humor and irony.
World Books Publishing House, 2010
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