I must admit that every angle dripping music makes me feel. The feeling is always the same: heat and pleasantly. I wonder if the insured person: P I
No matter what happens in life, always ends the same: music. When a party where there is joy when there is sadness - whatever ... it is always close by.
Ok, now a few comments: first
Myspace no longer have that "something" ... too many new parts for me!
second I'm damn tired, and this is the last standing item on the program ...
third The bits that got overthrow me on my knees and I start to wonder about "leave-on-demand: P
4th Or am I too weak for my dreams or are simply too great to be here and ponder with a cigarette in the mouth. Waiting for the day you "will become what it should be" called. big boom (boom boom shake shake the room) to my existence.
5th Questions like "why do so few posts lately", should be rewarded as well should be rewarded for sharing the minutes from the end of my work until the sweet touch of warm ... with a book bag on her nose and pulled the alarm clock at the last possible minute sophistication in time. Posts were fasting. The Internet is only the internet and monitor breaks my eye. I suggest you start seeing the reality, and therefore half of the weekend obskoczÄ™ Polish:)
6th TV surprised me, "Boyz N the Hood," "Above the Rim" and a romantic Hicior "My big mad family" - thank you.
7th Summaries of the year there will be ... We have 2011! Ok!
8th One love.
Dedicated to the present.
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