Malecki creates a specific code. On the one hand on the cards swej książki próbuje zakodować (i zmusić do rozszyfrowania) opowieść o skrajnie dwóch różnych osobowościach, które z czasem okazują się mieć wiele wspólnego. Pierwszym istotnym bohaterem jest Grześ Bednar, młody chłopak, który o swym pochodzeniu mówi następująco: „ Jestem z Pragi-Północ, a tam latami wystajesz pod blokiem, zamieniając się w zmęczonego życiem menela albo próbujesz coś w tym życiu zrobić” . Grzegorz stara się nie wystawać pod blokiem. Próbuje budować związek z dziewczyną. Stara się po skończonej edukacji w szkole zawodowej find a job. The boy wants to do something. Meanwhile, make him one evening something wrong by others. The result? Lost phone (Zajefajny model), a broken nose, loss of job in the first day and hit it to the hospital room where Bednar is forced to stay with some old wapniakami. Here ends blokerski freestyle, and the start of other literature. Rather story. Storytelling, which is to be literature, but primarily a voice talking about experiencing life in a very ambiguous.
Another important character is in fact Mr. Stanislaw, located next to Gregory in a hospital bed. The man is very secretive in itself, but what draws our attention both as a young man in Prague and the second patient, a man named Kurz (as well as substantial, but for the purpose of these considerations, deliberately forgotten and left to the interpretation of the reader) is a fascination with the works of Joseph Conrad, which in Stas is more like an obsession. Secretive and taciturn fourth volume of work speaks Korzeniowski thus: "Because Conrad lived as if he wanted to break something on the strength of life. With his fate can be inferred that he wanted to live, not once but several times. " When one day in delirium Stanislaw write down Gregory tells a story, it appears that the secret admirer of Conrad in the shadow crossed the trail, for which he had forgotten exactly what begins to reconstruct.
Thus the young man from Warsaw, Prague becomes the chronicler of the Stanislaus Baryłczaka, which goes back to 1956 and tells the history of his childhood and youth. He talks about passion for life and its hardships. The desire to receive this life and the drama being experienced when dark goat Drewniak, which in the course of carving the young Stas brought to life, becomes his constant companion, his oracle, and a dark mirror in which you want to view all the fears and frustrations Baryłczaka. Writing the story becomes more dramatic and violent, and in addition around the narrator and chronicler begins to decrease hospital space. Room disappears, then the next, the corridor ... The walls are close to each other, and increasingly saturated with the symbolism of the fourth story scares more than the claustrophobic atmosphere of confinement (which James Żulczyk recently described in the history of housing-trap, called the Institute).
around Gregory, Kurz and Fourth less space. In the stories of the latter ever more stuffy, more gloom. And in all the spectrum of Joseph Conrad, his work with moral dilemmas and how to measure yourself. In Malecki measured together mainly Fourth, because his story is an expiation. Purification is not only to experience it. Listening Stanislaus quote his words, the presence with him and focus on how the measured with itself are also trying to Gregory Bednar. Attempts, after which it will no longer who he was as a hospital patient with a broken nose.
Malecki presents an interesting problem space understood in different ways in which they reside or resided his heroes. More and more enclosed area hospital, goes hand in hand with an ambiguous space in which we move, learning about real life and his dreams Fourth, relations with the macabre Drewniak. One and Two is contractual in nature. In one and the other takes the existential drama. Maybe not as Joseph Conrad's writing, but also no accident associated with Conrad. reading "Dżozefa" it might be a journey into himself. Malecki Because one goal is to show that such travel is dangerous, but necessary to understand who you are, really.
WAB, 2011
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