first character we meet in 1939, just before the outbreak of war. Bartlik Horst is a German biology teacher in a provincial school. In fact, no man is a shadow man. The man simply cherishing the feeling of life failure. Form of his rebellion against the world are very simple and basically infantile - fleeting affair in the guest house "in anger" to his wife, raping the wife of that, spit on the portrait of Hitler. Learning Horst as a weak man, inefficiency, devoid of willpower. His psyche is clearly contrasted with the strong and independent neighbor Bruckner, supporter of the war and order. Horst is bland and weak, Bruckner is a dominant personality. Although these relationships are not very meaningful for understanding the novel (However, the symbolism is important Horst oak, which grows and penetrates into the garden Bruckner), worthy of mention, because the second of his guiding hero Klimko-Dobrzaniecki also appears in the relations with another man.
That son, who tells his life at the bedside of her sick mother. Over the years changed into a woman's life into hell. I never listened, and now is forced to do so, lying unconscious. Read shocking and appalling confession. The story of how insensitive he can be a mother, how much suffering brings man subsequent loss of male (sic) the children, how much can be experienced by fate. Why so much hurt their son spins life stories alongside the one that was for him so cruel? Why come back to Bornholm, now sits with his mother, unable to leave her as it can not stop talking about their sufferings? In the end - who is she?
important in its history are - have already indicated - the relationship with another man. This man is Ole, which is toxic to hurt by someone's mother like a good a father who understands and guarantees closeness. Much of the confidences of a hero involves trials and tribulations of ol, whose life was experienced as much. There is no longer Ole, no Horst, there is his neighbor and there is apparently close relationship between the biographies of making up the story, "Bornholm, Bornholm. So what is this book?
Author "first things" created a symbolic story of a man's suffering and trying to understand it. story in which harm women and men suffer. History, which will be a significant camera, because the staff of life for men Klimko-Dobrzaniecki create a specific kaleidoscopic image. Picture of what was and what reflected back like an echo. Bornholm echo and echo what the silent witness of the island.
It is also a book about exile and return. Bartlik Horst goes on Bornholm exiled as a result of military mobilization. Telling the mother her life back on Bornholm. It had and has to be. What's behind that? Hubert Klimko-Dobrzaniecki surprises this time ambiguity of his prose. She does not seem to so much grow out of personal experiences of the author like "Lullaby for the hangman" or "Madman." Who they are, however, and tells how the author? For this and many other questions will not find a simple answer.
Publisher Mark, 2011
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