How can you treat a book Jacob's advice, otherwise an excellent journalist, promoted on the cover of the text of his fellow musician, Gregory Miecugow, who some time ago and tried to błysnąć own novel, spending "case" ? Story Tips book is neither enlightening nor moving - not very credible journalist recommendation written for the journalist really can be omitted. "The guys in the sofixach" are already in bookstores for a while, and probably sell better than the book Miecugow, which may indicate only that it is to promote the publishing market, it is better to write directly about myself than make up the story tudziez hide himself under the imaginary biographies . I would like to devote a few words of this publication. something that washes away somewhere between the history of memoir, memoir of adolescence and the reporter's story of a homely boys from Kielce blocks. I would like to before it caution, because reading - unfortunately - is sometimes lost, but the author is writing would probably be the time of his discovery.
Tip (1969) describes his childhood and youth spent with the boys on the estate XXV - year in Kielce. Imaging technique is very simple - it's who is the author, is a kind of opposition to who are his colleagues. Benek because sentimentally describes his district mates, but mainly trying to show how much they have shaped the biographies of himself. Narrator, "Boys in sofixach" looks at the hard local department of the guys attention and envy. He admires the sailor who takes life as what simply is. Fascinated by small, adored by girls, a strong, efficient and combative, his strong ego. Trying to understand what pushes toward alcohol, Andrew and szpanuje Kleks what is Bobson. Simultaneously with the stories of boys who were present in his life, he builds his own story. Bitter, ironic, in fact, very funny, although sometimes gushing little sophisticated jokes. The story about the absurdities and mysteries of the Polish communist regime from the perspective of the Kielce young man, who on the one hand is doing anything to escape from his estate (and he succeeds), but on the other it is inextricably linked, and still vivid memories of this book give specific character.
really hard to say whether "The guys in the sofixach" is simply an Honest story about adolescence, about male friendships and break them, and about why James Tip went through a completely different life than his buddies osiedlowi or maybe sample media of human existence in the media in a different sphere than the one in which every day to find. Certainly an interesting thing, but mainly for this reason that one can compare it with other stories wspomnieniowymi and settlement of the Polish People's Republic era. Even if they had a coherent concept, it was much more than randomly scattered stories about boys with KSM - u would be a book you can recommend, just for fun. And be interested in those whom he described Advice, friends of friends, acquaintances, the author of the television and those who think that a well-known name is a sufficient guarantee to make a good book.
Publisher Proszynski and Company, 2011
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