To doprawdy paradoks, że w kraju, w jakim Bragi deprecjonuje kobietę, uznając za niezdolną do pełnienia cech przywódczych, w rok po wydaniu książki premierem zostaje właśnie kobieta i to ona próbuje zaradzić islandzkiemu kryzysowi gospodarczemu. Podwójny dlatego, iż autor stara się wskazać, że kobieta buduje swą tożsamość jedynie w takich relacjach z partnerem-mężczyzną, w którym związek równa się podległości. Tymczasem wspomniana pani premier jako chyba jedyna głowa państwa publicznie przyznała, że żyje w szczęśliwym związku homoseksualnym, away from the male influence. I remember Johanna Sigurdardottir, really strange because I can feel the author who tries to zaszczuć femininity and seeks to do so against the background of a country ruled by a lesbian, but that such considerations aside, because somehow I find it hard to bite the matter and message of this book, because you need it I just read, and any discussion of it can only do harm, and impose an interpretation. However, since as a man I am wrong on Bragi and I think that women can, after reading his books to feel a lot worse, I at least highlight what provoked my anger. At the same time encourage the reading of this difficult, because you just need to know about it.
Icelandic austerity and minimalism are already visible in the first chapter of this story. Eva, having a troubled past behind him in the United States, returns to the ice for his beloved homeland, who wants to Iceland to begin a new life. Girl gets an offer of residence in an exclusive apartment in the center Rejkjaviku. There he wants to wait out the bad days Hrafna again get close to him and to rebuild what can be have to rebuild the relationship between two extremely different personalities divided further accidental death of their young child. Apartment rented by Eva is dark and without a soul. On the wall there is a mask and cast of a human face. mask will be the beginning and the end of this chilling tale, and Eva will be subjected to the hellish trials, which will be aimed at downgrading of her femininity. Relegation of femininity in general.
The heroine of the book is trying to approach age neighbor, A certain Bergthora. Woman says extreme views and speaks like a despot. She Eva realizes what humanity really is. For the purposes of Bergthory "Humanity is evil by nature. Thousands of years of development aimed at improving the evil ". Quickly you realize that evil lurks mainly in the woman that a woman is the perpetrator of evil, that it provokes, seduces and ... forces to ensure that it hurt. Such states include the views of Joseph Novak, a charismatic artist, creator of the artistic group "Destruction", which is in opposition to the sixteenth-century Renaissance is to show the humanity that is not so much evil, what is primarily aimed at self-destruction. I think all women, because the world is seen through the eyes of Novak's relentless struggle with the feminine, which takes place on many levels.
From the beginning, we know that the atmosphere of horror and mystery does not bode well for the main character. Eva is a woman crippled and aware of its shortcomings. Unhappy daughter, mother, lover. Sam did not realize how many times leaned my head and humbly asked for forgiveness. Setpoint to force the penalty for that to change something about. But is scary process to which Eva and be subject to extensive discussion with him about Novak's femininity and the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal destruction, are not accidentally planned with surgical precision to action its clearly defined start and end? Is that what you wrote Braga is not the same experiment, testing the reader, a specific code of hatred and cruelty, which is stored relentless criticism of modern civilization? only thing certain is that "Women" is a prose bravado, not only because of anger. Braga is a writer, from which views can not agree, but which one can not know. Evil lurks everywhere. Icelandic author tries to hide the evil in the female. It forces us to considerations of whether or not you can get away from evil.
no way to escape from this book. May you gonna get. Let the attacks. Let the anger and insults. Irrespective of sex and views on the contemporary world. I will let them keep their distance from everything, which it describes. Lost without him as Eva. And certainly we show even weaker than she is ...
Publisher "Political Criticism", 2010
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