"Women without Men" and "Girls of Riyadh" is formally two differently written books and other moving subjects. Common denominator, which is feminine, in a society that is elicited any signs of femininity, branding, cause in some way to combine these two publications. As-Sani Raja takes a different path than the creative creation Shahrnush Parsipur. Her book seems to be more lightweight, easier to read. Saudi writer does not use overly complicated symbols, like Parsipur not want to add to his story more meaning. Are you sure? Do "Girls of Riyadh" is simply a dynamic and fascinating story of how difficult the Saudi women to find happiness and true love at the side of men? Is not it is worth noting that, as in the case of Iran, "Women without Men", so the characters in forms "Girls of Riyadh" is the hidden meaning of which it is difficult to speak to someone who does not deposit contextually these books in the culture of the countries with which derive their author?
mentioned the similarity of five heroines in both writers, so the word out about this, about whom he writes as-Sani. In any promotional material for the book and its cover read, it is a story of four young Saudi women - Sadim, Gamrze, Lamis and Michelle. Meanwhile, five of them are also the narrator and the author of the e-mails, describing the fate of four colleagues. This mysterious figure, kind of storm that starts online when it decides to publish weekly notes from the life of his friends. As-Sani created this tale about a secret forces and moments for this to become identified with any of the girls, but in my opinion is the fifth, especially affected the fate of the girl. The girl who disguises his electronic lists a lot more than many of those whom fate chooses to write. "Girls of Riyadh" is a surprising fact tells the story of whose ambiguity makes this book so fascinating novel.
Introduction reveals who the girl will be described. "heroines of my story of you come and live among you. We come from the desert and all of it back. And just as among the plants that grow in Nedżdzie, we find these These sweet and sour, so does the heroine of one of history are sweet, others bitter, still others are sweet and tart at the same time ". Gamra, Sadim, Lamis and Michelle, not so much be so specific and ambiguous, as sweet and bitter will be their life stories. Strongly different, and yet so similar. Very expressive. How to cope with Saudi Arabia, a woman rejected by her husband? That which gives a "taste" before marriage? Or one who is born after the divorce, unwanted child, the fruit of a relationship that has passed? Or one that must live the stigma of its American origin, by what ever the end is not in Riyadh, Saudi real? Raja as-Sani talk about how Saudi women cope with love, its lack, so have to deal, zakochując truly and earnestly, and how they can love a country where so much is prohibited, inter alia, handling holy love .
It is also quite seriously written a story about funny moments of varieties of fate and how a woman can be disappointed man. Gamra advises colleagues: "Do not expect anything than men, because, and so you get the exact opposite of what you wish for" . I poradziłbym czytelniczkom (and readers), this book would not have expected after reading the clear answers to emerging questions during it. Can in fact be read as-Sani exactly opposite to that as perhaps would be read. Anyway we are dealing with an intelligent and fascinating writer. And her book and make Shahrnush Parsipur are two important voices on the feminine in Islam.
Publisher Taste Words 2010
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