Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pasta Glue Bridge Help

" Single + "David Kornaga

Kornaga propelled itself in his latest novel, linguistically rozbuchał, linguistically, and pushed the boat came out of that crucible of words indigestible as much as simply exaggerated. It is nice to write a bad book, the author, who is one of the greatest personalities of contemporary Polish literature, but "Single + He just did not come out and in me for this novel is a big minus. really hard to say whether this is a rather tiresome narrative in form or content to defend. Formally, too many words, sticking together in risky collages, compositionally chaotically, in the final very annoyingly. In content ... well, the world lanserskim warszawki little has been written, the more ironic, more bluntly and more kompromitująco. I am afraid that the mistake singles in the red is the fact that the story claims to be a manifesto, but it applies to people both in the closed and on the other.

Warsaw Life is not exalted ladies doing their own opinion, the show of your life, it's not gay manieryczni prone to suicide, it's also not the drug dealers or neurotic freelancers media industry. Kornaga desiring to be the exponent of thoughts of her characters, too hermetically closed in both a stylistic mannerism and in their worlds are constructed primarily on the toxic rojeniach about freedom and hedonistic desires being zauważonymi. I do not know what it exactly is - a display of some environmental circles, to feel that highlighted a frenetic pace and language freestyle, which in itself is not unimpressive.

Woven from the fate of a few unfortunate people the story revolves around the Christian not only because the perpetrator will be solicited and unwanted pregnancies. Chris is in the composition "Singles +" most important, because with his destiny in a perverse way to join the fate of his friend Flower, who has for a hero unfulfilled love so strong but highly sensitive designs each have their own homosexual desires and dreams for the male heterosexual object is not to win. Flower, which appears every day, consumes and processes, is essentially fatalistic "eternal boy", which provide the appropriate experience gained at the Duck. This same while struggling with vulgar language and attempts to describe the world, their complexes and the constant tension resulting from the collision of dreams and reality with words, which is both a great strength for him as destructive. Duck's fate will also connect with the Just, an artist and collector of porn movies, unhappy single girl who feel unwelcome, but which is very desirable sense compensates for other work. Justin in a confrontation with her friend Magda is a specific form of femininity wyrazicielką, which seeks to complete the drama of emptiness and loneliness Kai, episodic television stars and tears, the mistress of Duck. In the life of each and every one of that specific group will mark its presence was Chris. Who is he?

First of all, extremely annoying persona. Sticks to the reader and can not loosen. He leaves a trace, not only in female pochwach characters in the book, but mainly in the minds of those who wades through his insanely boring, predictable and mumbling discussion about who is who in the world today and how we need to run away from responsibility and the awareness that old age with shitting on each other soon. Chris is such a male "piździątko" different from the classical scheme macho. Finding the distance to the world in a very classic place, at the bottom of the bottle with alcohol. It's not so much the hero drunk percent of what the awareness of the fact that it is focused around the entire world. Chris - and other heroes of this book - Is convinced that his thoughts are reality. I'm afraid that it is considered as David Kornaga, adding spice to his narrative, bombarding us every move the original concepts that are simply linguistic kalkami and only feebly imitate the reality they want to describe.

seems to me that Kornaga needs one clear hero to his prose is convincing. After Adam and "gangrene" and Ola from the "Eyelash turned upside down" is a persona were disarming frankness, each in its own way. Although it came out author of the vampire hero of the collective "local anesthesia", the "singles" + "it all gets hazy. Says Chris, and others speak for themselves. All generally much talking, a lot of you describe. And of course the words have power, but I am afraid that is not in his latest book David Kornagi.

Publisher PILLAR, 2010



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