Friday, November 5, 2010

Rape Movie In The Train

IFW 2010 - Pictures at an Exhibition

The merry trolololo in komciach blog ZINIOLA podśmiewaliśmy with Dominic Szczesniak the comic market collapse, paradoxically, is on hand Polish komiksiarzom. In the absence of any comic every Polish comic event will in fact (jak niegdyś choćby " Tygrysek " czy " Straine "). Oczywiście takie postawienie sprawy jest niezwykle krótkowzroczne, bo jedyną szansą dla rodzimego komiksu jest to, że kiedyś "będzie można go kupić na Amazonie".
O ciszy wokół polskiego komiksu za granicami pisał niedawno Marek Turek, czym sprowokował solidną burzę mózgów w środowisku (na efekty jeszcze poczekamy).

Szansą na promocję polskich twórców jest na pewno antologia City Stories będąca podsumowaniem warsztatów z komiksowymi artystami z innych krajów. This year was a Portuguese edition, in which our site was attended by Balbina Bruszewska , Sztybor Bartek and Michael Śledziński . Well, here once there is a great WuTeFak ! Listed nice composition, but how did it happen that only one drawer? Yes, apparently at the last minute had to cancel Slawomir Kiełbus but then had to be made in advance to secure such an unfortunate circumstance. For example, when the program TOP MODEL Szparka girl that goes between the teeth elbow is in its place immediately jumped rezerwistka. From these hundreds of cartoonists had someone dokoptować. Though I do screening, in the Lodz is HERD komiksiarzy who are not above the head of the family, work, etc. and who weszliby in such workshops as the smoke. No damage. Even in our representation okrojonym composition has made it better than last year when the team was once again (to say the least) somewhat random. So Sztyborg replied to your list przydupasów Filipe Andrade and Rui Lacasa. Rozprawiczył also Herring, who pocisnął standard but oddly enough not to scenarka colleague abroad, which was rather the rule in the project. Balbina has done the best job with a fabulous Bruszewska Ricardo Cabral. Rui Lacasa coped well elegantly in an independent story.
As a result, the impression is that the screenplay dominated the anthology. Portuguese as it came off nicely as a tablet, because as I mentioned a herring is not enough.
Last year, the same text MFK summary I suggested to participate in the anthology was one of the prizes for the winners in the short form. Indeed, the share Bartek (and the year before James Matys) can be treated as an award but this one rodzyn is not enough. It would be nice to see on the pages of another publication Leszek Wicherek , Sebastian Skrobola or even Tom Zych.

Since we started discussing the first of MFK demands my last year, will draw the rest of checking which of my suggestions over:
a . The prize in the form of participation in the City Stories - half and half, but rather a matter of chance;
2. Increasing volume is presented comic and promote projects albumowych - has not passed and did not pass. It has been eight boards and closed whole. The second condition for the jump.
3. Institutionally Sztybora not gagged. It turned out that his conquest of the last year acted refreshing to competition. This year Sztybor still dominate but only the mass and not the quality. Certainly this year, blew away from the scene of his greatest rival. Grzegorz Janusz came out quite poorly, and merged with the peloton.
4. Removal of the requirement not to publish comic takeoff earlier in the competition - a point he disappeared from the Rules. This resulted in the first place for man-Cable, who earlier in the contest prizes zgarniał Mr. Balcer. Now you do not have to dig szorciaka specifically for the contest and you can find something good out of their existing publications. It is a chance for a longer life of short stories.

Overall quality of work the competition was higher than last year. 2009 Contest MFK gripe was that all the best (and rewarded), comics were in the directory. What was outside of, rather it was weak. This time the situation is somewhat different. Directory, first entered the work AWARDED but ... There is time for another WuTeFak ! Dear
JURY so varied in their assessments that rewards the best comics but not those in which there was consensus in the assessment. Tastes were so radically different that the debate can be likened to the policies pursued during the conclave. As a result, once the white smoke appeared, on the battlefield not the other gladiators but rather najwspanialsi cwani stragglers hiding in the bushes during the skirmish and then dorzynający wounded giants. So, won the Grand Prix pretty a shell, the best comics ( Restaurant ) took second place on the "weight sztyborowej" not awarded what you need. In my opinion, despite all the sympathy I have for people to sit on the jury, the composition (or the method of voting) is totally failed. Immediately add that I am opposed to Sztybora the jury - have been better to await the result of the cooperative to be formed on it.


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