happened! From today launched the publication of my webkomiksu. Degrengoland blog announced in March. In the end managed to bring to the premiere. It remained the only difficult part of the project, which is scheduled to present and draw about 100 episodes.
few words how to prepare webkomiksu. The money came out that to do it professionally if the project should be put in as much work as with traditional paper publications albums. Thus, the redeemed domain and constructed a motor based on blogspot. We managed to do without WordPress which has traditionally put all their webkomiksy. But how can the idea of \u200b\u200bblogspot? Simply put, I am accustomed to it, and I preferred it myself from scratch than to adapt to play in something new. If the engine does not pass the exam, then I'll start rozkminiać something else. Here, it is time to thank Matthew Skutnik, who helped me the most difficult computer-dżambo mambo at the finish and gave a piece of the pastel server for hosting images. Same
Degrengolandem we managed to already have the (auto) rooting for the magazine Ziniol. A few words I wrote , Paul Wojciechowicz (co-author of the drawings) and Dominik Szczesniak (Screenwriter). To our trio and recently joined Robert Looby, who took the trouble to translate the language wygibasów Luck to speech from Shakespeare. On this occasion, a big thanks to for Alka Bednarski assistance.
remains for me to invite you to read (a few click on the picture below):
I've been so completely by the way I wish you all the most in the coming New Year!
2010 - summary of a summary of decades of musical +
assume that I listen to music a lot. Exactly one year ago I was wondering what to write in order to maintain the tradition of music on my summaries blogasku. I made a list on paper, I described briefly the selected albums. Then somewhere in my Sandbox zawieruszył notice and in the end was not. After a year of trying to remember what I put this on this list? Well, unfortunately, I can not remember anything else, that the longest on my Zenia (actually the whole year 2009) reveled that your album where (this album, of course!) Provided on the episode that you . rest was lost in the general belief that it was secondary and excess chujowego think a mannerist.
kichowego In contrast to 2009, resulted in the current wysypem musical gems. There was even some natural fertility, and what the summary is a different opinion. And what more fun - everyone is right! For stubborn could be include at least one great album a week or even a good day. We live in great times where every minute around the world created a masterpiece. Interestingly, which of these CDs we will remember for years? Which will be history, and that will be for some time discovered by another generation of future hipsterów?
Oh, I - hipsterzy. The term came to papertardów and doing a similar career a few years ago emo. Recently I talked with my friend Charles, and regretfully, we found that today are hipsterzy niewydarzeni and it's time to write, because in our czasów... no cóż, wyszło na to że jesteśmy starymi dziadami. W pierwszej chwili chciałem zaprotestować. No jak to? Jestem na bieżąco, często zachwycę się czymś nowym. Czyżbym już TEŻ dryfował w kierunku fanów U2 czy innego SBB? Z tą myślą w głowie zacząłem się zastanawiać, jak to właściwie jest? Na szybko wymieniłem swój osobisty TOP3 za lata 2000-2009. I wszystko jasne: Eels - Oh, What a Beautiful Morning (2000) Radiohead - Kid A (2000) Grandaddy - Sumday (2003)
Tak, over the years cheated with. It seemed to me that I have unique taste in music and in the meantime these demonstrations depends on your perspective. By the way it came out, drove it perfectly in listening to musics "of my generation," whatever that it did not matter. Do not change the fact that the three mentioned albums are great! Just like the Eels, Radiohead and Grandaddy were Superbly recorded their teams when these boards. Kind of like the SBB or any other where U2 recorded their beloved by some fans of their albums. me a little sad to realize that, however, drove up in a certain frame of which has not come out properly because I do not even feel like it. Overall, I feel less pressure to be kept. Not only in terms of musics - from the comic book I have just the same. Confuse me with the latest generation of artists. For example, on Friday for the first time I had no idea who the author of Batman, the journal of Colored People. When he answered, still do not know.
Returning to the year 2010 summary - TOP3: Effi Briest - Rhizomes Get Well Soon - Vexations MGMT - Congratulations
sole criterion for selection was a quick association often resulting from the amount of odsłuchań.
PS My Summary comic book in 2010 can be found in the latest issue of Ziniola.
Klipsiora dedicate Whodiniemu aka Chudemu, who a few years ago raised it to me straight to the hut:) ziomy gossip that we will spend New Year's Eve together in AJsa:) Say hello !!!!:) Shiva
ps I love your inspired me:) Rap is a luminous sphere, which blows my mind:)
Intelligence, ironiczność malice - that features writing, José Miguel Sánchez Gómez hiding behind a pseudonym Yoss and looking nonchalant with photos, artwork decorating where the blood red bands on their heads with a storm of black hair does nothing like a serious writer. Yoss is not willing to be serious in his prose, although the seven stories that binds together the theme of sin and some of Havana's main street, take the theme of the acquiring and painful.
Yossa Stories take us to Cuba for nearly twenty years before. The protagonists are frustrated, confused, angry and disillusioned with life and the inhabitants of Havana, among which we find among other lazy journalists, jealous woman, angry carpenter or a pyszniącego upstart. The author makes a brief prologues to the stories being told, which lies to them from a distance and forcing you to think about what we really communicate. Because that's not just Cuban greed, anger, sloth, avarice, licentiousness, envy and pride create these narratives. Yoss takes on different roles, says the different languages, describes the reality through different means of expression. However, puts an equal sign between their characters. Levels of their sad and difficult reality of Cuba. In it is a little boy collects the labels of food products, which is not on the shelves. In it a young girl will be a wanton and make money on their wdziękach than to become a cashier at a grocery store such as foreign exchange. There zgnuśniały journalist who traveled the world, wanders out of his flat feet, waiting for the big moment and pondering whether it will come along with writing about the problems of communist Cuba.
omówieniach In previous stories Yossa draws attention to the fact that this world will be close to the Poles, who not so long ago said goodbye to communism, with the sad, empty shelves, Suppression of freedom and equality based on the fact that we all have the same, and the one who stands out and is leeched, is harassed. However, I think that the "Seven Deadly Sins Cuban" however, has its own unique color and draws attention primarily on local issues embedded in the dilemmas plaguing all those for whom life is a struggle for survival.
Life in Cuba is not easy. Between the slums of the capital and the exclusive Miramar district is so great as the difference between life so that it will still get the same product and one that varied the products comes from abroad. Havana Yossa still teeming with life, because although it is difficult, not lacking in color. In this sense, the very local in their pronunciation of the book (and the book, which does not have the opportunity to read the Cubans) are optimistic and joyful, because the author has first and foremost a great sense of humor and fun ironizując.
important aspect of the story is an indication of the development and the defeat of capitalism in a socialist society. Heroes Yossa trying to open my own business, dorabiać to combine and exploit gaps in the law that only secure prosperity. Most can not do this. Some remains, or throwing rocks or nights with lovers obleśnymi providing money and false sense of happiness. Although the seven deadly sins seven Cuban is also the stories about the lack of fulfillment, dominates the vitality of these stories and they are full of energy. Such as that probably characterized the stage of their author, when he vocally survives along with his band Tenaz.
Grzeszący Cubans are written for several voices diagnosis of blunt and intriguing life in a country full of stagnant, but in a lively and full of internal contradictions. Every story Yossa could serve as a basis for the long novel. Then there would be seven books on how to commit sin, and do not be alarmed.
But maybe that was ambiguous in his pronunciation of the book really need to take?
eighteenth-century French writing has two faces. In its recent tale Pierre-Thomas-Nicolas-Hurtaut reveals not only about the Enlightenment, and not only in France ignored. It is difficult to determine whether the "Art of farting" is clear irony of the creators of the works of scholars of the eighteenth century, or just for fun. Whatever it be, this book, certainly gets your attention. A typical example skatologicznej literature turns into a source of quasi-scientific arguments, and even if it is sometimes inflated, absurd to the breaking point and simply tasteless, it can be regarded as a specific journey to the land of the absurd balancing on the border of good taste. Getting to know a second, non-scientific writing prior to the French face of nearly three centuries.
Hurtaut draws attention to the essence of the process of releasing the winds. In essence just farting. Treaty begins in-depth analysis of what we call farts, and then the author shows the differences between the release of gas and the lower part of the body permission to release them by our mouth (burp appears to be less important, and certainly not so much to give him a book .) Then we have a unique classification pierdnięć and an indication that Farting in antiquity was a transaction glorified. What next? Well, a lot of fascinating discussion, inter alia, on whether the fart is music, after all - according to a thorough knowledge of the author of this hearing - we can spend the anus, 62 different sounds.
Considerations include the origins and purpose of farting. Only the health goals and artistic note Hurtaut, so the considerations being popierdywań trying to enter the general concepts of beauty and art. What's more - our horseflies bring benefit and this is also devoted a few pages of reflections of the author. Book also shows how by letting you chase away the devil winds, light the candelabra, or even to build a specific line of human understanding. Nothing that is human is alien to us, after all, and treatment of physiological activities with a feeling of shame or embarrassment is not appropriate, after all, "opinion that the fart was based solely on the offensive and the vagaries of human dąsów triflers" .
Why is this type of issue publications? Why, after all the mediocre literary survive until after his first release in 1751 so many editions? Human curiosity and the need to learn about themselves, including the physiological side of human nature, is not just something that distinguished the Renaissance and Enlightenment exploration societies. characteristic feature "Art farting" is rubaszność and ambiguity. I think that the translation of this traktaciku Krzysztof Rutkowski made a lot of fun, and partly as a form of entertainment, this should be considered read. Because it is difficult is to refrain from laughing while reading this peculiar book. It is also difficult not to ask ourselves questions about how much a merchant's son, the horses have to try to attract attention in the eighteenth century.
could just have written to him as pierdziało, that is, with pleasure. And though it all very tasty, as a man "niepłochy" recommend to the entertainment and consideration.