Hurtaut draws attention to the essence of the process of releasing the winds. In essence just farting. Treaty begins in-depth analysis of what we call farts, and then the author shows the differences between the release of gas and the lower part of the body permission to release them by our mouth (burp appears to be less important, and certainly not so much to give him a book .) Then we have a unique classification pierdnięć and an indication that Farting in antiquity was a transaction glorified. What next? Well, a lot of fascinating discussion, inter alia, on whether the fart is music, after all - according to a thorough knowledge of the author of this hearing - we can spend the anus, 62 different sounds.
Considerations include the origins and purpose of farting. Only the health goals and artistic note Hurtaut, so the considerations being popierdywań trying to enter the general concepts of beauty and art. What's more - our horseflies bring benefit and this is also devoted a few pages of reflections of the author. Book also shows how by letting you chase away the devil winds, light the candelabra, or even to build a specific line of human understanding. Nothing that is human is alien to us, after all, and treatment of physiological activities with a feeling of shame or embarrassment is not appropriate, after all, "opinion that the fart was based solely on the offensive and the vagaries of human dąsów triflers" .
Why is this type of issue publications? Why, after all the mediocre literary survive until after his first release in 1751 so many editions? Human curiosity and the need to learn about themselves, including the physiological side of human nature, is not just something that distinguished the Renaissance and Enlightenment exploration societies. characteristic feature "Art farting" is rubaszność and ambiguity. I think that the translation of this traktaciku Krzysztof Rutkowski made a lot of fun, and partly as a form of entertainment, this should be considered read. Because it is difficult is to refrain from laughing while reading this peculiar book. It is also difficult not to ask ourselves questions about how much a merchant's son, the horses have to try to attract attention in the eighteenth century.
could just have written to him as pierdziało, that is, with pleasure. And though it all very tasty, as a man "niepłochy" recommend to the entertainment and consideration.
Publisher word / picture of the territories, 2010
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