Yossa Stories take us to Cuba for nearly twenty years before. The protagonists are frustrated, confused, angry and disillusioned with life and the inhabitants of Havana, among which we find among other lazy journalists, jealous woman, angry carpenter or a pyszniącego upstart. The author makes a brief prologues to the stories being told, which lies to them from a distance and forcing you to think about what we really communicate. Because that's not just Cuban greed, anger, sloth, avarice, licentiousness, envy and pride create these narratives. Yoss takes on different roles, says the different languages, describes the reality through different means of expression. However, puts an equal sign between their characters. Levels of their sad and difficult reality of Cuba. In it is a little boy collects the labels of food products, which is not on the shelves. In it a young girl will be a wanton and make money on their wdziękach than to become a cashier at a grocery store such as foreign exchange. There zgnuśniały journalist who traveled the world, wanders out of his flat feet, waiting for the big moment and pondering whether it will come along with writing about the problems of communist Cuba.
omówieniach In previous stories Yossa draws attention to the fact that this world will be close to the Poles, who not so long ago said goodbye to communism, with the sad, empty shelves, Suppression of freedom and equality based on the fact that we all have the same, and the one who stands out and is leeched, is harassed. However, I think that the "Seven Deadly Sins Cuban" however, has its own unique color and draws attention primarily on local issues embedded in the dilemmas plaguing all those for whom life is a struggle for survival.
Life in Cuba is not easy. Between the slums of the capital and the exclusive Miramar district is so great as the difference between life so that it will still get the same product and one that varied the products comes from abroad. Havana Yossa still teeming with life, because although it is difficult, not lacking in color. In this sense, the very local in their pronunciation of the book (and the book, which does not have the opportunity to read the Cubans) are optimistic and joyful, because the author has first and foremost a great sense of humor and fun ironizując.
important aspect of the story is an indication of the development and the defeat of capitalism in a socialist society. Heroes Yossa trying to open my own business, dorabiać to combine and exploit gaps in the law that only secure prosperity. Most can not do this. Some remains, or throwing rocks or nights with lovers obleśnymi providing money and false sense of happiness. Although the seven deadly sins seven Cuban is also the stories about the lack of fulfillment, dominates the vitality of these stories and they are full of energy. Such as that probably characterized the stage of their author, when he vocally survives along with his band Tenaz.
Grzeszący Cubans are written for several voices diagnosis of blunt and intriguing life in a country full of stagnant, but in a lively and full of internal contradictions. Every story Yossa could serve as a basis for the long novel. Then there would be seven books on how to commit sin, and do not be alarmed.
But maybe that was ambiguous in his pronunciation of the book really need to take?
Publisher Claroscuro, 2010
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