assume that I listen to music a lot. Exactly one year ago I was wondering what to write in order to maintain the tradition of music on my summaries blogasku. I made a list on paper, I described briefly the selected albums. Then somewhere in my Sandbox zawieruszył notice and in the end was not. After a year of trying to remember what I put this on this list? Well, unfortunately, I can not remember anything else, that the longest on my Zenia (actually the whole year 2009) reveled that your album where (this album, of course!) Provided on the episode that you .

kichowego In contrast to 2009, resulted in the current wysypem musical gems. There was even some natural fertility, and what the summary is a different opinion. And what more fun - everyone is right! For stubborn could be include at least one great album a week or even a good day. We live in great times where every minute around the world created a masterpiece. Interestingly, which of these CDs we will remember for years? Which will be history, and that will be for some time discovered by another generation of future hipsterów?
Oh, I - hipsterzy. The term came to papertardów and doing a similar career a few years ago emo. Recently I talked with my friend Charles, and regretfully, we found that today are hipsterzy niewydarzeni and it's time to write, because in our czasów... no cóż, wyszło na to że jesteśmy starymi dziadami.
W pierwszej chwili chciałem zaprotestować. No jak to? Jestem na bieżąco, często zachwycę się czymś nowym. Czyżbym już TEŻ dryfował w kierunku fanów U2 czy innego SBB? Z tą myślą w głowie zacząłem się zastanawiać, jak to właściwie jest? Na szybko wymieniłem swój osobisty TOP3 za lata 2000-2009. I wszystko jasne:

Radiohead - Kid A (2000)
Grandaddy - Sumday (2003)
Tak, over the years cheated with. It seemed to me that I have unique taste in music and in the meantime these demonstrations depends on your perspective. By the way it came out, drove it perfectly in listening to musics "of my generation," whatever that it did not matter. Do not change the fact that the three mentioned albums are great! Just like the Eels, Radiohead and Grandaddy were Superbly recorded their teams when these boards. Kind of like the SBB or any other where U2 recorded their beloved by some fans of their albums.
me a little sad to realize that, however, drove up in a certain frame of which has not come out properly because I do not even feel like it. Overall, I feel less pressure to be kept. Not only in terms of musics - from the comic book I have just the same. Confuse me with the latest generation of artists. For example, on Friday for the first time I had no idea who the author of Batman, the journal of Colored People. When he answered, still do not know.
Returning to the year 2010 summary - TOP3:

Get Well Soon - Vexations
MGMT - Congratulations
sole criterion for selection was a quick association often resulting from the amount of odsłuchań.
PS My Summary comic book in 2010 can be found in the latest issue of Ziniola.
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